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Managing pastures in saline areas

Title Managing pastures in saline areas

McCaskill M (Victorian Department of Primary Industries), Borg D (Victorian Department of Primary Industries)

Keywords Pastures|Pasture plants|Choice of species|Salt tolerance|Saline soils|Soil salinity|Grazing|Pasture management|Grazing management|Guidelines|Temperate zones

In southwestern Victoria, saline land is often an under-utilized resource which has the potential to produce pasture to provide summer weight gains for livestock. Sowing adapted pasture species into mildly saline land can increase carrying capacity by two- to four-fold. For small areas of saline land, or where the land is strongly saline, it is preferable to fence the area separately and manage it to encourage native summer-growing species. Plant indicators of saline land are discussed together with measuring salinity, grazing management and pasture management for saline land (A).

Publish Date 1st January 2006
Resource Code NA0202
ISBN 1741467268
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Source AANRO